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Overnight Daycare: What Every Parent Should Know Before Enrolling Their Child

A child looking at a book

Are you planning a couples' night out? Or Did you increase your work hours? 

If you are in one of these scenarios the outcome is the same, you want your children to be safe and sound while you are away. The next thing that dawns on your mind is how to make this happen.

Many parents struggle to find the right overnight childcare for their child, because of the protective nature of parents.

In this blog, we will discuss why you should consider overnight daycare and the advantages of overnight daycare over Family care.

What is Overnight Daycare?

As a parent, you want to help your children as much as possible, even if it involves working long hours at work.

A man looking at data on a sheet

When this time starts to go late into the night this is where overnight daycare steps in. Some daycares have increased the traditional 6:30 am to 7:00 pm time to being open 24 hours to accommodate children whose parents have irregular working schedules or have some trips to catch.

Well at first glance this is a great opportunity for parents but the real issue is finding the right one for their child. While searching for overnight daycare for your child, parents need to make sure those daycares follow all the government rules. 

Some of which include: every child is supposed to sleep in a crib or bed, each child is entitled to their own toiletries and clean linen sheets, the caregivers have to be awake through the night, each child is entitled to a snack or meal and many more.

You should educate yourself on the rules that daycares have to follow to keep each child under them safe and sound.

Is Overnight Daycare necessary?

According to data from the US Census Bureau, around 43% of parents in the United States work a non-standard schedule, which includes overnight shifts, evenings, weekends, or early mornings, meaning a significant portion of parents work at least some part of their shift overnight.

With inflation going through the roof, both parents are forced to work long hours, which include night shifts. This will affect the availability of parents for their children. That’s why overnight daycare is increasingly becoming necessary in the country.

Overnight daycare vs Family care

a picture of children in daycare vs a grandma teaching in a child.

A recurring experience I have seen among parents is that one of the first people they hand over care of their children is a family they are familiar with. Which is one of the best options out there.

The family already has your trust so it’s easier for you to leave your children with them. But the problem most parents don’t foresee is that these same people may have other duties to fulfil.

“We unfortunately don’t have any family close by, so it can be difficult to find childcare. We have a drop-in daycare we use for things like date nights, but when it comes to overnight trips, it’s much more difficult”

Just like this parent. Finding a family member who would constantly be willing to stand in for you while you are away can be difficult sometimes. 

It is much easier to find a daycare whose sole purpose is to take care of children. You never have to worry about who would be taking care of your child while you at work or on a trip. You also have the cushion of knowing that someone will be constantly watching your child.

It is very important to find a daycare that follows the rules of overnight daycare and you feel comfortable leaving your child in.

At Redeemer’s Learning Center, we are now open 24 hours every weekday. This is because we identified the growth in our parents' needing overnight childcare. 

Our daycare follows the rules and regulations of the state which is set for night care and we are also certified.

If you are a parent struggling to find overnight care for your child, you can schedule a tour and see how well we take care of the children entrusted to us.

Children sitting at a table at RLC daycare center.



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